by Steven D. Johnson
Racine, Wisconsin
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New Section In The Highland Woodworking Library
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There are scores of excellent articles, guides, how-to articles, and much, much more in Highland Woodworking's Library, all available for free and instant download. It is my first, and often only, go-to place when I need to remember how to do something like fold a band saw blade or (almost) anything related to finishing.
The Library is divided into logical sections covering everything from power tool tune-up, to jig plans, to product instructions. Recently Highland added a section called "The Down To Earth Woodworker" in order to provide a quick, easy place to obtain documents, plans, sketches, reviews and more that have been referenced or have appeared in previous columns and videos. With just one click download the popular "Decision Matrix" to help make critical equipment buying decisions or measured drawings of projects like the "Shop Desk" or "I-Beam Work Supports" or my beefy slanted "Shooting Board." In fact, the project in the next section of this column will be in the Library by the time you read this. Check it out!
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